Interactive map of Automatic Weather Stations
Understanding the map
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Accurate measurements of the surface and near-surface atmospheric conditions in a changing climate are important for reliable present and future assessments of changes in the Greenland ice sheet.
The majority of the automatic weather stations marked with orange circles on this map are supported by PROMICE and GC-Net.
The smaller green circles show legacy GC-Net weather stations, which are still transmitting data, hosted by the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL).
ING_1 hydrometric station
The ING_1 hydrometric station was installed on the proglacial Minturn River, Inglefield Land in July 2019 by Brown University and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) with funding from the NASA Cryospheric Sciences Program and data hosting support from PROMICE.
Instruments at ING_1 acquire river level (stage), meteorological observations, and time-lapse photography. In situ discharge measurements collected by ADCP will periodically be used to convert Minturn River stage records to discharge, with quality-assured data releases to be periodically posted to this site.
For more information on the PROMICE ING_1 station contact Laurence C. Smith at Brown University (